In John’s Gospel, one of the key themes is the coming of Jesus and Him being the light to the world and bringing life to humanity. Jesus said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” This is a remarkable statement that no mere man (particularly a Jew, who knew the Law) should have ever uttered. Unless Jesus is the Son of God, such words are blasphemy.
Jesus’ declaration of being the light is comparable to God leading the children of Israel in the wilderness by the pillar of fire by night. He was identifying himself as the one in whom the glory of God is revealed, that he was both the Word of God incarnate and the embodiment of righteousness as revealed in the Law. His birth on earth was the revelation that light has finally and forever overcome all darkness.
To prove He was who He claimed to be, Jesus not only declared Himself to be the light of the world but healed a man who was blind from birth (John 9:7). Jesus made a man who could not see to see the light, while those who could see, could not see the light of which Jesus had been speaking. The irony is powerful and intentional. Those who could see were actually blind to the truth and the one who could not see could see the truth. Those who could not see were disbelieving and rejecting of the truth before them.
John 8:24 reads “Unless you believe that I am…you will die in your sins. Believe and you won’t die. Believe that I am – that I am from the Father and that I and the Father are one. Jesus offered them hope then and offers us that same hope today. Jesus was saying open your eyes and see that I am the light of the world and receive me as your light and you will not perish.”
John 1:4 says “In Him was life, and the life was the light of men.” The life that is in Christ and which he shares with all who follow Him gives light. God imparts the life of Jesus Christ to us by His Holy Spirit. The result is that we are no longer spiritually dead and blind. He floods our hearts with His life and light , giving sight to our blinded souls!
We invite you to join us on Sunday 18 December 2022 at 10.00 am. Come, receive life and sight and worship Jesus, the Christ and Light of the world!