

O the love that drew salvation's planO the grace that brought it down to manO the mighty gulf that God did span, at Calvary (William R Newell “At Calvary” 1895) John 6:33-40 For the bread of God is he who comes down from heaven and gives life to the world.” They said...

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Jesus, The Light of the World

In John's Gospel, one of the key themes is the coming of Jesus and Him being the light to the world and bringing life to humanity.  Jesus said, "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life."  This is a...

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Guidance for Studying the Bible

Reading the Bible is one of the most important things you can ever do.  We must make the the studying of the Bible a priority in our lives because it is through this discipline that God transforms our lives.Quote: “The Bible—know it in your head; stow it...

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Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled

  STAY CALM AND LET NOT YOUR HEART BE TROUBLED   In this critical state we find ourselves in a pandemic never been seen like this before in the lifetime of most, if not, all people across the globe.  On 12 March, The Telegraph reported that Professor Chris...

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An Ode In Memory Of Andrew (Olugbenmiga) Fakanmbi

November 1965 - September 2018 And then came YOU… With that bright light in your eyes and a beautiful song in your mouth Leading us into His presence with your voice sounding like the chorus of a million angels Making a beautiful symphony out of discordant notes laced...

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+44  20 8655 4155

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Bishop Thomas Grant School
Belltrees Grove Streatham
London SW16 2HY

Buses: 249, 417;
Nearest Station: Streatham


Rhema House,
11 Woodside Green, London SE25 5EY